Ane Marie Mortensen
Ane Marie Mortensen was the fist born child of Hans & Abelone.  She married Maurice Murphy and was known as Mary Murphy.  They had 6 children.
Ane Marie was born 9 May 1871 in Bisholt Mark, Skjold Parish, Vejle County, Denmark.  In this picture, Abelone is holding Ane Marie. I believe this picture was taken in about May 1872.
Maurice and Mary Murphy
Click on the leaf to discover Hans & Abelone's ancestors.
Ellen Nye, Dorothy Nye, Mary Murphy (Ane Marie's daughter) & Virginia Nye

She was born 25 May 1871 in Skold Parish, Vejle County, Denmark.  She is the last birth recorded on this page.  In the witnesses column the last name is J. R. Laursen of Norby.  He is the grandfather of Anna Laursen.  She lives in Glud, Denmark. I was able to meet her.  She & her husband drove me around the countryside showing me where various ancestors were born.
Ane Marie Mortensen's birth record.
Mary Murphy (Ane Marie Mortensen) holding her son, Edward.  Mary Murphy is buried in an unmarked grave in the Old Mission Indian Cemetery in Hessel.  The Murphy Family gave the land to the Catholic Church.  It was originally part of thre Murphy Farm.